Agency to Advocate

Son Semillas

A FREE community music program for low-income youth that supports community organizing, enrichment, and engagement.

Son Semillas is a free weekly music program available to low-income youth in San Antonio. The program also provides free instruments for all children who successfully complete the program. We believe it is important that all children in San Antonio have access to arts and music programs regardless of their means or resources. The goal of the program is not only to promote cultural preservation, creativity, and musical ability, but to foster community engagement and organizing through fandangos.

What is a fandango?

A fandango is a unique social event where an opportunity is presented for everyone in the
community to come together to sing, dance, eat, and convivir. It is also an important space that provides the opportunity for self expression, reflection, and the sharing of resources, words, and feelings. Fandangos are traditionally held in honor of important days, milestones, or celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, saints days, important community events, etc.

This program will help coordinate and host a fandango every other month at different
locations throughout San Antonio. Either in the neighborhood of one of the students, or at a local park. The goal is to get people out of their houses and talking and sharing music and conversation with their neighbors.