Agency to Advocate

Barrio Works



Barrio Works

12584215_10100646619391356_1069390640_nToday we are highlighting Barrio Works, an organization founded by Ernesto Cuevas Jr.

“Barrio Works is a special effort in San Antonio where community members inform, inspire & empower themselves to affect change in their lives. We want to take art directly into our neighborhoods and we recognize that our neighborhoods are already cultural creative spaces. We want to clean, collaborate and create in our alley ways, in people’s yards, on garage walls and other spaces not currently engaged.”

We were able to meet up with Barrio Works in February at their Barrio Works Highlands Park event where multiple families and people came together and participated in an arts based platica.  I met a young women and her father who are advocates for Barrio Works and attend many of the events.  Some were first timers, myself included.  It was neat to get to sit down in the park and using the canvases provided make art while learning about each other, the geographical area and also about the greater San Antonio area through our dialogs.

Ernesto’s hopes with Barrio Works is to keep community building through art going, even at the smallest of events, we had 6-8 people overall and it was great (the next week he had 40).

What amazes me about people like Ernesto is they understand the need to keep the art and community building going, that each of us can do a part to build the future of tomorrow.

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