Agency to Advocate

Sierra Club Hiking Adventure


openED SA’s joey lopez phd was able to catch up with the Sierra Club at Friedrich Park on January 21st, 2017.  The Sierra Club hosted two youth groups, Sutton Oaks Academy, from the Sutton Oaks Apartments and House of Teens, from MEYO.  The objective of the day is to give urban youth experiences in the outdoors.


The Anne Pearson from the Sierra Club worked with Victor Zuniga of Franklin Management and Lea Watson of MEYO to coordinate the two youth groups.  It was amazing to see how organized they all were and how the Sierra club provided everything for the day, which included a class style introduction to hiking and the wilderness, a full 2 mile hike, a class on hibernation and snacks.  In addition to the programming, the Sierra club also provided water bottles, back packs, granola bars, bug examination boxes and a full snack for the end of the day.


joey lopez phd was able to capture photos and videos of their adventure and also interview Anne Pearson from the Sierra Club, Victor Zuniga of Franklin Management,  Lea Watson of MEYO and Beth Keel of SAHA.  You can see the interviews below as well as a recap video.


It was really great to see 3 non-profits working together to provide programming for youth from around San Antonio so collaboratively and professionally.  It is collaborations like these that openED SA feels will lead advocacy based outreach to have positive impacts throughout the greater San Antonio area and allow for reciprocal mentoring to take place for both the youth, volunteers and professionals involved.
For anyone looking to be more involved we encourage you to contact the nonprofits and individuals we have been highlighting.

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